Donation Request

Thank you for contacting Lyons Lumber Co. about supporting your organization or your event. We hope that the following information will help to explain what types of requests are qualified for consideration and will also outline Lyons Lumber’s request process.

Lyons Lumber is very involved in supporting community organizations throughout our footprint and we look forward to continuing this support. We receive far more requests than what we can participate in annually, therefore we must take a targeted approach to determine which types of causes that we can support.

Lyons Lumber Co. focus for community relations is primarily in supporting 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that are directly involved in offering educational programs and events that help youth and beginners become involved in activities that relate to our business. Although any request will be considered, groups and organizations that clearly meet these criteria receive priority.
Requests must be submitted in writing via email and must contain the qualifying information about your organization or event. Requests should be submitted 90 days prior to your event. Due to the number of requests that we receive, we will only correspond with those organizations or events that we will be able to contribute to or participate in.
Please include the following in your request:
  • The purpose of your organization
  • A copy of your 501(c)3 nonprofit status letter
  • Specifically, what you are requesting from Lyons Lumber Co.
  • Specific information concerning your event
All fields marked with * are required.

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